Check valve for windshield washer pump.
Porsche 911 / Turbo '74-89
Porsche 993 / Turbo '95-98
Porsche 964 C2 / C4 / Turbo '89-94
Porsche 914 '70-76
Porsche 924 '76-79
Porsche 924 S '87-88
Porsche 928 '78-82
Porsche 944 / S / S2 '82-91
Porsche 968 '92-95
Porsche 959 '86-87
Check valve for windshield washer pump.
Porsche 911 / 912 '65-69
Porsche 911T / E / S Carrera RS '70-73
Porsche 911 Carrera / Turbo '87-89
Porsche 993 / Turbo '95-98
Porsche 928 '78-91
Porsche 928 '92-95
Porsche 959 '86-87
Grommet for windshield washer pump.
Porsche 911 '84-89
Porsche 928 '87-95
Porsche 944 89-91
Porsche 964
Porsche 993
Porsche 986
Porsche 987
Porsche 996
Porsche 997
Porsche 970 Panamera
Rubber bushing to windshield wiper system.
Porsche 928 '78-84
Porsche 911 ’65-89
Rubber bushing to windshield wiper system.
Porsche 928 '78-84
Porsche 924 / 944 / 968
Porsche 911 ’65-89
Porsche 964
Window washer pump rubber bushing.
Porsche 911 '74-89
Windscreen washer jet.
Porsche 911 ’74-84
Porsche 911 Turbo ’74-84
Porsche 924 ’76-84
Porsche 944 ’82-84
Windshield washer pump.
Porsche 911 ’65-89
Porsche 928 ’78-87
Wiper arm base plastic cover.
Porsche 911 ’65-89
Wiper arm, left. The arm is not bended. Picture if for reference only.
Porsche 914 ’70-76
Porsche 911 / 912 ’67-75
Wiper arm, right.
Porsche 914 ’70-76
Porsche 911 / 912 ’67-75
Wiper blade Set
Porsche 914 ’70-76
Porsche 911 / 912 ’67-75